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Punch Out and Punch 5

FILL with spirit, STEEP in fridge for 24-72 hours, STIR, STRAIN

Cut with carbonated water and serve over ice or neat. Each Punch 5 jar serves 8 cocktails!


Questions and Answers

  • What do I do?

    The process is easy:

    FILL your punch with suggested (or desired) spirit, allow it to INFUSE/STEEP for 24-72 hours, and STRAIN.  Once infused, the spirit can be kept at room temperature. It’s recommended to consume the infused spirit within 60 days.  The libations can be served simply over ice and cut with sparkling water.  Punch 5 Libations’s website and social media accounts contain many recommendations and serving suggestions.  

    If you're more of a visual learner, watch the video above!

  • What's the shelf life?

    If left unopened in room temperature, they can be left sitting longer than you can wait to enjoy it. Because our ingredients are dehydrated, our kits are self stable. Once infused with spirit and strained, the spirit can be kept at room temperature. It’s recommended to consume the infused spirit within 60 days.

  • Can this be a mocktail?

    Absolutely! Fill with hot water and allow to steep for 10 min. Once it cools, strain and serve over ice and cut with sparkling water (or whatever else you want). Have fun!

  • What if I don't have the suggested spirit on the label?

    The suggested spirit on the label is just that, a suggestion. We created our cocktails with the suggested spirits in mind but that doesn't mean it can't taste great with something else. Use what you have and let us know how it turns out!

  • How many cocktails does a jar make?

    The average cocktail is between 1.5 - 2 oz. Each Punch 5 jar serves 8 cocktails.